Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lots to come, but maybe not here

I got an internship with The Yeti, a Tallahassee community magazine. It looks like I might be their movie critic. I'll be doing a decent amount of writing for them, and I also have six classes this semester, five of which involve even more writing, so I probably won't be doing much writing on this here blog for quite some time. If you have actually enjoyed this blog, look out for me on The Yeti! I'll do my best to make/keep it interesting, and I will still try to show this blog some love from time to time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Life has been moving and changing so quickly that it's been hard to sit down and blog without lapsing into the diary-esque entry that no one wants to read including me a year from now. As things are finally starting to settle down, more regular updates should be forthcoming. Until then, know that this little project of mine has not been abandoned.

And now, a laughing baby:

Giggling Baby is Comedians Dream Audience - Watch more Funny Videos

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Muppets mock my major

Maybe I should just drop out and watch Sesame Street every morning. Their critique of "Waiting for Godot" is spot on.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nine Inch Nails Versus The Rock-afire Explosion

"sounds like a dayam monsta movie" -- Apollo Creed

I've blogged about NIN, and I've blogged about the hilarious/disturbing resurgence of The Rock-afire explosion. Now, they meet.

Chalking this up as "one of a million things I never would have predicted back when I was 3 years old and eating pizza at Showbiz"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Someone finally says it

I've been meaning to blog/rant about the absurdity behind all of the Tom Cruise hatred for a long, long time, especially after I went to see Valkyrie and found his performance to be solid, not horrendous, as so many people wanted to believe it would be. While back up in Chicago for the holidays I mentioned the movie to several people, and more than half said, "I hate Tom Cruise!" before proceeding to explain the details of his personal life as the reason. I'm not sure when an actor's personal life became the basis on which to evaluate his on screen performance, but I'm happy to know I don't really have to puzzle over it anymore, or even blog about it. Indeed, thanks to my procrastination, a much stronger voice has gone ahead and made the case against baseless actor bashing in a way I couldn't have. Have a read!